Work Remotely in USA

15 Great Places to Work Remotely in the USA

Julie United States 5 Comments

The COVID-19 pandemic brought huge changes to how we live and work. With lockdowns and social distancing, employees of many businesses began to work remotely. Home offices, kitchens, and spare bedrooms became the new office space for many people. What we thought would be a temporary adjustment has now become a more permanent aspect of many people’s lives. If you …

Best USA Road Trips

Best USA Road Trips: 18 Ideas for Your Next Big Adventure

Julie United States 25 Comments

One of the best ways to explore the USA is on a good old-fashioned road trip. Cruise along Route 66, road trip through the Florida Keys, explore the American Southwest, or even drive from coast to coast. In this guide, we share 18 of the best USA road trips…18 great ideas for your next big adventure. About these USA Road …

American Flag

So, What’s It Like Returning to the USA?

Julie United States Leave a Comment

With just one week remaining of our 396 day journey around the world, how are feeling about finally returning to the USA? Honestly, we are ready to come home.  We are actually looking forward to it, which I would have found hard to imagine just a few months ago.The four of us are exhausted…this traveling schedule has really been wearing …