How much time is the perfect amount to spend in Mendoza, Argentina? That depends on what you want to do. If you travel here only to tour the wine regions, a few days is all you need. If you want to add in adventure activities and day trips outside of Mendoza, more time is needed. Check out our Mendoza itinerary …
9 Great Things To Do in Mendoza, Argentina
Many people travel to Mendoza, Argentina for the wine. Why not…Mendoza is one of South America’s premiere wine regions. But there is a lot more to do here than just taste wine, especially for those who love getting outdoors. With a location in the foothills of the Andes, there are numerous adventure activities for outdoor lovers. Mendoza, Argentina makes a great …
Mendoza Wine Region: How to Plan the Perfect Visit
The Mendoza wine region is hot right now! This is the fastest growing wine producing region in the world and it is Argentina’s most popular spot to travel to for wine tours and tastings. Located in the shadow of Mt Aconcagua, the vineyards in the Mendoza wine region are at one of the highest elevations in the world. Receiving little rainfall …
Driving to Cristo Redentor de los Andes
Cristo Redentor de los Andes (Christ the Redeemer of the Andes in English) is a statue of Jesus Christ that sits high in the Andes Mountains, straddling Chile and Argentina. Most people make the journey here for a view of the statue and for the awesome views of this part of the Andes. Cristo Redentor de los Andes The Cristo Redentor …
Driving from Santiago to Mendoza. Should You Do It?
Driving from Santiago to Mendoza, Argentina…should you really do it? For those who like to get out on their own, this may sound like a great idea. And it is. The scenery is breathtaking, the drive can be an adventure, and there is a new view around every curve. Plus, how many people really can say they crossed the Andes …
Whitewater Rafting in Mendoza, Argentina
Whitewater rafting in Mendoza, Argentina is one of the most popular adventure activities in this part of the country. We spent the morning with Potrerillos Explorer Rafting, one of the premiere rafting companies in Mendoza. We had a blast and this was one of our highlights of our recent trip to Argentina. Whitewater Rafting in Mendoza, Argentina The prime spot for …
Hiking to Confluencia, the First Aconcagua Base Camp
Mount Aconcagua is the tallest mountain in the world outside of Asia. At 6,962 meters (22,841 ft) it still does not come within the top 100 tallest mountains in the world!! All of these behemoths are located in the Himalayas, stretching from Pakistan to Nepal to China. Many people travel to Mendoza, Argentina, to go on mountaineering expeditions to summit …
Rock Climbing in Mendoza, Argentina with Andes Vertical
Mendoza, Argentina is famous for its production of Malbec wine. What most people do not know is that Mendoza, Argentina is also an excellent destination for adventure sports enthusiasts. Rock climbing, white water rafting, horseback riding, parasailing, and trekking in the Andes are just a few of the activities to keep visitors busy in between wine tastings. We spent a …
12 Days in South America: Santiago, Chile and Mendoza, Argentina
Our twelve day tour through Chile and Argentina was quite the adventure. There were moments we loved and moments we hated. This trip, for some reason, seemed so difficult. Never have we had so many things go wrong in such a short period of time. We lived some of those travel horror stories that you hear about from other people …