What Asia Taught Us

What Traveling Through Asia Has Taught Us

We have now been traveling through Asia for over five months and still have several more to go. It has been quite the learning experience for our family…new foods, new cultures, lots of history to ...

Pol Pot and the Killing Fields

Pol Pot and the Killing Fields

While my family and I were visiting Phnom Penh, Cambodia, we wanted to learn more about Pol Pot and the Killing Fields. We learned that Pol Pot did terrible things to Cambodia, and it was one of th...

Phnom Penh in Photos

Walking the Streets of Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, was a very brief stop on our tour of Southeast Asia.  It was really just a layover point for us while traveling from Siem Reap in the north to Kampot in the sou...

Earth Trekkers in Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia: Angkor Wat & Beyond

People from around the world travel to Siem Reap, Cambodia to tour Angkor Wat, the world’s largest religious monument.  We were no different. We had a week to explore Siem Reap and all it had to of...