Julie Norway 16 Comments

The Romsdalseggen hike is a point to point hike that traverses the Romsdalseggen Ridge, with views over the fjords, the town of Åndalsnes, and even out to the western coastline of Norway to the Atlantic Ocean.

On our first trip to Norway, this was the hike that I was looking forward to the most. The photos and videos I saw online while planning our trip were incredible. However, the weather was less than ideal, with chilly temperatures, rain, and low-lying clouds. We didn’t get the spectacular views I was hoping for, but even so, it turned out to be a great day.

This is a challenging hike. Even though it was not the longest hike that we did in Norway (Trolltunga wins that award), the big climbs and descents left us feeling wiped out, especially our kids. We did this hike in 2013, when Kara was only 8 years old and Tyler was 10. But it’s a wonderful hike, especially if you get clear skies. Here’s how to do it. 

Romsdalseggen Ridge Hiking Stats

Distance: 11 km (7 miles) point-to-point hike
Length of time: 8.5 hours
Difficulty: Difficulty is rated as expert, due to long climbs and descents over very uneven terrain. Since the trail follows the edge of a cliff, this hike can also be dangerous.
Elevation Gain: 970 meters
Location: Åndalsnes, Norway
When: From June 30 to September 30

Romsdalseggen Sign

Please practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace: plan ahead, stay on the trail, pack out what you bring to the hiking trail, properly dispose of waste, leave areas as you found them, minimize campfire impacts, be considerate of other hikers, and do not approach or feed wildlife.

Romsdalseggen Ridge Step-By-Step Trail Guide

Getting to the Trailhead

On the morning of our hike, we awoke to cloudy skies.  It was 39°F (4°C) with a small chance of snow in the morning. Snow! It was August.

The four of us bundled up in multiple layers and drove into the town of Åndalsnes. At the Åndalsnes bus station, we boarded the bus that drives hikers to the start of the hike. The Romsdalseggen Ridge hike is point-to-point, starting at Vengedalen Valley and ending back in Åndalsnes.

On our bus were about 20 other hikers and our family of four. Once again, Tyler and Kara were the only children. So, at a little before 10 am, under cloudy skies with temperatures in the low 40’s, our adventure began.

Hiking up the Ridge

The first part of the hike was through a farm and up a hillside. We hiked past mooing cows and through muddy trails. We actually warmed up so we shed most of our layers almost right away.

Julie Kara Norway


The vegetation changed as we climbed higher. We left bushes, trees, and muddy trails behind for alpine grass and a rocky landscape. As we got higher, the air got chillier and more overcast, so the layers went back on.

Tyler Rivenbark

This boulder field is part of the hiking trail and one of the most challenging parts of the hike.

We ascended 800 meters through fields of boulders to the top of the ridge. This climb took us about an hour and a half.

Unfortunately, the skies did not clear up. In fact, the weather actually got worse. Just as we reached our first real viewpoint it began to rain. The low lying clouds hid our views of the valleys below. As Kara would say, “it was shivering cold” and she was miserable. Kara was crying, it was raining, and I was disappointed because this hike was turning out to be a big ole waste of time.

I was beginning to get very frustrated with Norway and its unpredictable weather.

We gave Kara a lollipop which helped her feel better. The four of us hiked towards the Blanebba viewpoint and we actually had pretty good views down into the valley for several minutes. We enjoyed these views while we had them. It did not take long for the clouds and rain to move back in.

Romdalseggen in the Rain

Hiking Norway with Kids

Hiking Along Romsdalseggen Ridge

As we hiked along the ridge we were alone for most of the time. This was the least populated hike we had in Norway (but the weather was also less than ideal).

We hiked along the ridge and up and down smaller ridges of boulders. With fog all around us we could not see the straight down drops on either side of us, but we knew they were there. We had short climbs with chains again, which Tyler and Kara loved. Because of the fog and reduced visibility, we really had to keep an eye on Tyler and Kara. In foggy weather, there is a real danger of walking off of the ridge.

Rocky Ridge

Finally, after four hours of hiking, the fog and clouds began lifting. We had clear views of the ridge in front of us and the valley below, and the views were spectacular.

As we started hiking downhill towards Åndalsnes the weather continued to improve.  I was finally happy but I was driving Tyler and Kara crazy by constantly stopping to take photos.

View from the Ridge

Hiking Norway

Hike Romsdalseggen

Hiking Andalsnes

Romsdalseggen Ridge

Romsdalseggen Ridge with Kids

Final Descent to Åndalsnes

Finally, six and half hours into the hike, we started the final descent into Åndalsnes. This is a very steep path down into town and we were hoping it would go quickly. By now we were all feeling fatigued.


The hike down was extremely difficult, and it was probably the most challenging part of the whole day. Part of the normal trail was closed and we were forced to descend down steep, muddy drops with the use of ropes attached to the rock face. Tyler and Kara needed a lot of help here, and before long all four of us were muddy. The main trail was closed, since it was under construction. The stone steps that are currently in place were being added during our hike in 2013.

Finally, the rock descent was over, and then it was a steep, sometimes very slippery trail into Åndalsnes. At 6:20 pm, eight and a half hours after the start of the hike, we were finished. We were so happy to be back in town.

Although not the longest hike in distance, this was the most challenging hike we did in Norway. In the end I was glad we hiked Romsdalseggen. We did eventually get those views I wanted, and except for the last portion, it was a fun hike.

Changes in the Trail Since Our Experience

We did this hike in August 2013. Since our hike, stairs have been added to the final descent into Åndalsnes, making this part of the hike much easier. But it is a steep descent, so be prepared for aching knees or wobbly legs once you get back down to town.

On the descent to Åndalsnes, you have the option to walk out to the Rampestreken viewpoint, definitely worth your time. Why not have one final, amazing view before arriving back in Åndalsnes?

Rampestreken Viewpoint

Rampestreken Viewpoint | photo credit: shutterstock.com/Martin Valigursky

Norway Travel Guide

Helpful Tips for the Hike

Bus to the Trailhead

From late June to late September, there is a bus that takes hikers from the Åndalsnes bus station to the trailhead. Bus tickets cost NOK 200 and they do have reduced price tickets for families. Purchase your tickets online using this link or purchase them at the Romsdals Booking office before departure. The bus leaves at 9:30 am each morning.

According to the Visit Andalsnes website, the bus may operate on weekends in June depending on the weather and snow conditions in the mountains.

In 2018, the last bus to trailhead was on September 25. The bus ended service early due to bad weather.

Hiking Romsdalseggen Ridge with Kids

When we did this hike, Tyler was 10 and Kara was 8. The Visit Norway website recommends that only children over the age of 10 should do this hike. Romsdalseggen Ridge definitely tested Kara’s endurance. This was difficult for her but she did great. However, she also had lots of long distance hiking experience before doing this hike, including Trolltunga.

Romsdalseggen Ridge is a challenging hike and should not be underestimated. If your kids are young or have limited experience, you may want to consider just hiking up to the Rampestreken viewpoint instead.

Don’t Underestimate this Hike

Romsdalseggen Ridge is challenging. This was our most challenging hike in southern Norway, even more challenging than Trolltunga and Kjeragbolten. But on a clear day, this can also be the most beautiful hike.

If you are unlucky and have rainy, foggy weather, you might want to consider skipping the hike or saving it for another day. There is the threat of stumbling off the trail or losing your way. The trail is well marked but foggy conditions make hiking much more difficult.

You also should not attempt this hike if you have a fear of heights or are an inexperienced hiker.

Rampestreken Viewpoint

This is a new addition to the hike. It was not here when we did the hike in 2013. If you are in Åndalsnes before or after the hiking season, or if the weather is foggy on the day you are here, this viewpoint makes a nice alternative to doing the Romsdalseggen Ridge hike. Allow 3 hours round trip for the hike up and back. With almost 700 meters of climbing, it still can be challenging to get to the viewpoint.

Where We Stayed

We spent two nights at the Trollveggen Campground in Andalsnes. We slept in cabin #3 and it was adorable.  Tyler and Kara loved it. In fact, they described it as “epic.”

Our Cabin

If you have any questions about how to hike Romsdalseggen Ridge or if you want to share your experience, let us know in the comment section below.

More Information for Your Trip to Norway:

PLACES TO GO IN NORWAY: For a list of top experiences in Norway, don’t miss our Norway Bucket List. We also have a hiking guide with 14 epic day hikes to do in Norway.

10 DAYS IN THE FJORD REGION: On this 10 day itinerary through the fjord region, visit southern Norway: Bergen, Geirangerfjord, and Stavanger and hike Trolltunga, Pulpit Rock and Kjeragbolten.

BEST OF NORWAY ITINERARY: In this guide, we share two different ways to plan a 10 day trip that includes both the Lofoten Islands and southern Norway.

LOFOTEN ISLANDS: For an overview of the best things to do, read our Lofoten Islands Top Ten List. Get lots of travel planning advice in our Lofoten Islands Itinerary. For advice on where to stay, read our Lofoten Islands Hotel Guide.

ADVENTURES IN NORWAY: Trolltunga and Kjeragbolten are two of the best hikes to do in Norway. For an even bigger adventure, climb Svolvaergeita in the Lofoten Islands. Traveling to Svalbard in the arctic circle is an adventure in itself, but you can also go glacier kayaking or hike to one of the tallest peaks on Spitsbergen.


Planning a trip to Norway? Read all of our articles in our Norway Travel Guide.


Hike Norway Romsdalseggen Ridge


Romsdalseggen Ridge Norway

All rights reserved © Earth Trekkers. Republishing this article and/or any of its contents (text, photography, etc.), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.

Comments 16

  1. Avatar for Natalie

    Hi Julie! We are planning to hike to Rampestreken Viewpoint. Do we start at the same trailhead as the Ridge hike? Can we drive to this trailhead or do we have to take a bus? Thank you so much for all your helpful posts!

    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      We have not been to Rampestreken, since it was added after our visit, but I found this info about how to get to the viewpoint (you do not have to hike the Romsdalseggen trail as there are several ways to get there). I hope you have a great trip to Norway! Cheers, Julie

  2. Avatar for Asmaa Hesham
    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      There is no need to have a guide (we didn’t have one). The trail is easy to follow. If you want a guide, you can check the Visit Norway website for more information. Cheers, Julie

  3. Avatar for Olafr Alexander Glucksberg
    Olafr Alexander Glucksberg

    Easy hike for a Glucksberg. Most importantly ‘oh yea’ this is a beautiful hiking spot. Fantastic article read. Just a heads up for summer bring would, recommend one gets those bags that have water in them and a tube to drink. Also in winter it can get slippery, so ware hiking boots or sneakers, so one does not blister their feet. Honestly the scenery is so beautiful one would not even realize the distance at all. Personally speaking.

  4. Avatar for Aleksandar Ivanov
    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      When we did this, there was no parking area at the start of the hike, so we would have to park on private property. Now, it looks like there is a very small car park with limited parking. If you park here, you will have to pay the toll on the toll road and somehow pick up your car at the end of the hike.

      1. Avatar for Eva Erlandsson
        Eva Erlandsson

        We hiked Romsdalseggen this year (2019) and parked our car during the day in Venjedalen after freecamping for one night up on Litlefjell.

        To get back to the car. After passing Romsdalseggen we turned right, following a trail through the valley east of Romsdalseggen to Venjedalen to our car. It is about 5 kilometers longer but you skip the steep descent to Åndalsnes.


  5. Avatar for T.H


    I had been in Lofoten in same time that you and your family had been traveling, but we were on different way.

    As you wrote on another blog, Reinebrigen was under construction, so I couldn’t climb also.

    But while reading your blog at that time, I found I was near by Munken.
    In addition, the weather was fantastic to go up there.
    Finally, I went up to The top of Munken , I could see fantastic view around Munken including far Reinebrigen view.

    The reason I write about Munken here(Romsdalsegen blog), is that I was looking forward to going to Romsdalsegen after reading blog 2 years ago.

    So, I got two kinds of help from you and your family
    Romsalsegen and Munken

    Thanks for sharing your journey and experiences in Norway
    Hope to have a good luck for new Journey that you might plan someday

    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      Hello. This is awesome! I’m so glad it worked out for you that you could hike Munken. I had heard great things about it and wanted to let everyone know, even though hiking Munken didn’t work out for us. Sounds like you had a very nice trip through Norway. Happy travels to you! Cheers, Julie

  6. Avatar for Andrew R
    Andrew R

    Julie, your Norway itinerary and articles on each hike are pretty much the entire basis for our upcoming trip in September ’18. My wife and I are fairly experienced hikers ourselves, however we’ll have our 17 month with us on this trip. We will be hiking with him in a framed child pack (Osprey Poco), but I was curious if you saw anyone else attempting this with a child carrier and if its even possible given the moves needed to complete the hike. Very interested to hear your thoughts! Also, if you think doing Pulpit’s Rock, Kjeragbolten, or Trolltunga would be a bad idea with a baby carrier, do let me know that as well. Thanks!

    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      If you are experienced hikers, most likely you will be OK. Pulpit Rock is a good hike to start with (if it works out in your itinerary to do this one first) because it’s the shortest and easiest. Kjeragbolten is longer and more difficult but a blast!! Trolltunga and Romsdalseggen would be the hardest in my opinion, just because of the length of them. Prior to your trip, I recommend doing a little training just to make sure you are fit enough to carry your child the full distance of these hikes. Finally, make sure you get the Trolltunga hike in before September 15 because after this you will need to pay for a guide. Cheers, Julie

  7. Avatar for Donny

    Wow i just found there is that awesome course in andalsnes and added in my hiking list in July this year even i have to drive 9 hours from odda in a day. Should i book the bus ticket from andalsnes to starting point in advance?

    1. Avatar for Julie Post
  8. Avatar for John M
    John M

    Trying to decide if we’re ready for this hike with my 11 year old son and 8 year old daughter. They’ve done plenty of hefty hikes in northern England, including some scree, and some 14 mile days… But never via ferratta or 2m wide ridges! I think we’ll go for it, but it definitely gives me some pause… have you run into others who’ve done this with kids?

    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      The day we hiked Romsdalseggen, there were only about 20 other people who did the hike. Maybe the overcast, rainy conditions kept people away. Our kids were the only kids doing the hike that day, and at the time Kara was just about to turn 9 and Tyler was 11. They had no real problems although the final, muddy climb down at the end was hard. But a path was being built so this part of the hike should be much better. There is no via ferrata for Romsdalseggen (at least not in 2013). If your kids have hiked 14 miles and have lots of experience they should have no trouble on Romsdalseggen. The ridge is not as narrow as it looks in some photos. There is a drop off but it is easy to stay clear of the edge. Hopefully you will have a good weather day…we were there when it was drizzly and cool, obscuring our views. Romsdalseggen has the potential to be a gorgeous hike. I would say go for it!

      Cheers, Julie

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